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What is the Divine Feminine?
by Yolanda Shoshana

You may have heard of Shakti ( also referred to as Devi) if you do yoga or have read books about spirituality. Shakti is a larger-than-life Hindu goddess. What makes her so delicious is that she is multi-dimensional, just like you, me and most women around the world. The Sanskrit translation for the word Shakti is "power." She is the personification of the creative power known as the divine feminine. Shakti is the source of love, she kicks the butt of evil forces, and restores balance to your life all while manifesting cosmic energy. Also referred to as the divine mother, she is thought of as the source of all things that are wise, strong, peaceful, sexy, abundant, and so many other magical things.


The divine feminine can be experienced by feeling bliss, movement, keeping your head up and heart open, sounds, through light, within music, and anything that applies to your senses. Long story short, it is all about you coming BF with the DF (best friends with the divine feminine). Know that it is a very personal experience. How you rock the divine feminine belongs to you.


When you incorporate the energy of Shakti into your life it explodes in all areas from love, business, relationships, and everything your heart desires. You can claim your self power which enables you to live a life by design and not by default. Anyone who beholds Shakti is inseparable from her, she is always with you. The power and magic of this goddess is limitless.


Marianne Williamson hit the nail on the head when she said, "you playing small does not serve the world". You are already who you are meant to be. The question is when will you let this person come out?  Shakti says your time is now!

10 Ways to Connect With Your Divine Feminine
by Vienda Maona

1. Be Creative.

Being creative in any format is a natural expression of femininity. This is part of why we can create life. When we are out of touch with divine feminine, we do not allow ourselves to create. One of the best ways to awaken your creative energies is to explore what you like making. It may be food. It may be art. It be sewing. It may be painting sticks that you find. It may be mood boards or collages. It may be writing in your journal. It may building shelves. Whatever it is, just start making stuff. For anyone who is particularly blocked creatively, I suggest reading a book called the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.


2. Sisterhood Love.

Spending time with other women, and connecting on a level of soulful sharing, compassion and support, is profoundly healing. Gather with the ones you love and help each other with projects, with children, make meals together, laugh together, cry together, and share yourself with one another. Take belly dancing lessons and dance together!

This is also the thought process behind the red tent movement.

I remember being at gathering in the redwoods of Northern California last year, where we all shared our vulnerabilities, our truths, and allowed our hearts to speak. I can’t express how precious it felt to hear one another’s stories, fears and accomplishments as we all shared what was close to hearts. It felt like home.


3. Explore Your Sensuality.

The divine feminine is known as beauty incarnate. This means it is time to appreciate and celebrate beauty in your life. Does your life reflect sensual pleasure? If not, it is time to re-decorate. Surround yourself in aesthetically pleasing things. Allow yourself to enjoy sensual pleasures whether it is a warm bubble bath or fragrances you like. Surround yourself in color.

And begin exploring your own sexuality. Our bodies should never be off-limits to us. Get to know yourself intimately.


4. Mother Love.
Healing your relationship with your own mother completely transforms your relationship with your feminine self.

Your first introduction to the divine feminine is none other than your mother. If you have resistance to your mother, you have resistance to the divine feminine within you. This means that one of the most important parts of the process of coming into your own feminine essence is to examine and heal the relationship between you and your mother.

How do we do that? I hear you ask.

Firstly, by accepting our mothers for who they are in all their own feminine uniqueness, and forgiving them any unhealthy thoughts or feelings that they may have evoked in us or passed onto us. Our mothers are always doing their best, and have their own lessons to learn and grow from.

Secondly, by acknowledging the selection between who you are, and who your mother is. Once you recognize your sense of self being separate from that of your mother, you can learn to step into your own authentic self and embody your own divine femininity.


5. Exploring Motherhood.

It does not matter whether or not you actually want kids; some of us have unhealthy ideas and feelings about motherhood and some of us embrace the idea and look forward to becoming mothers. If your feelings are in an unhealthy state of resistance about motherhood, you may feel that it is the only way to have significance and justify your existence. This way of being does not make us healthy as individuals or as mothers.

Take time to consider what motherhood means to you, and what feelings and thoughts arise when you think about becoming a mother.


6. Listen To Your Intuition.

Get in touch with your emotions. A woman who is run by logic is a woman who is profoundly out of touch with the divine feminine within her. Womanhood is a receptive state of being. Receptivity means taking down those walls that we have built around ourselves. Receptivity is a state of profound openness and part of what comes with that openness is receptivity to that which is beyond the physical dimension.


7. Practice Self-Love.

Cultivate openness, love, compassion and gentleness towards the world and towards yourself. In our modern society we push ourselves so hard every day, that there seems to be no room for these qualities in our lives. But we are developing breast cancer because of it. We are dying because of it. Our delicate biochemistry cannot keep up with what we are doing to it. It is time for a change.

Choose three changes you can make in your day-to-day life that would allow these energies to come through. For example, you could commit to calling a friend one time a week just to practice listening to them with compassion and without judgment. Or you could commit to doing one loving thing for yourself each day, such as getting yourself a pedicure, letting yourself go to sleep instead of finish that project or buying that new outfit you can’t stop thinking about. Trust yourself to know what would benefit you the most to do.


8. Meditate.

Do meditations that are aimed specifically at connecting to the divine feminine. There is no right or wrong way to do this. You can invent your own if you like, but hundreds of these meditations can be found on-line. Guided meditations are effective and a lot of people have great ideas about how to connect with your divine feminine essence. Try any of them that you feel compelled to try. The worst thing that could happen is that you could find one that really works.


9. Examine Your Beliefs.
Consider this: do you feel any resistance towards being female on a spiritual, mental, physical and societal level?
Resistance is a word we use to describe the energy behind negative emotion.

Do you have resistance (negative emotion) relative to your periods? Do you have resistance relative to being a wife? Do you have resistance relative to your breasts? Do you have resistance to wearing or not wearing makeup? Do you have resistance to being open with others? Do you have resistance to natural birth?

Uncover your core beliefs relative to the resistance you feel and then release those core beliefs. Nothing helps divine feminine shine through better than releasing your resistance relative to the things you associate with femininity.


10. Embrace your body.

Our culture is at war with the female body. As a result, we are at war with our bodies. Divine feminine expresses itself physically in unique ways. If you are resisting the parts of your body that make you female, you are resisting the divine feminine.

A great book on this topic is Woman Code by Alisa Vitti. It is a how to book, which empowers women to maintain health and vitality as well as rebalance their hormones and come into alignment with what it means to be a woman.

Divine feminine does not need to be cultivated or created within us as women. It is us. It is the essence of our choice to come into this life as women. And so, it is an ever-present energy that is always there. It is merely obscured by our thoughts and actions. If we begin to clear our minds and lives of the things that are obscuring that essence, it will immediately shine through on its own. It is exhausting to suppress the essence of who we are. And so, it is time to quit suppressing it. It is time to embrace it and let it shine.

© 2025 by Red Veil Belly Dance

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